How to Install CNET Podcasts on Kodi

CNET is the biggest tech news website with millions of readers every day. It publishes reviews, articles, news, podcasts, blogs and videos on technology. The CNET Podcasts add-on contains all the newest content from the website arranged by categories including CNET top 5, next big thing, cars tech, first look, special features, tech moment, inside scoop and much more.

CNET Podcasts logo
CNET Podcasts logo

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How to Install Golden Gloves on Kodi

The Golden Gloves add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

If you are a boxing fan then the Golden Gloves add-on is perfect for you. It contains many classic boxing matches since early 1900’s with famous fighters like Sugar Ray Robinson, Muhammad Ali, Joe Louis, Rocky Marciano, Mike Tyson, Jack Dempsey, Joe Frazier,  George Foreman and Evander Holyfield.

Golden Gloves logo
Golden Gloves logo

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How to Install ZT Learning on Kodi

The ZT Learning add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

Kodi is a great way to learn new things and not just to watch movies.  Using the ZT Learning add-on you can learn different languages like French, Italian, German, software infrastructure like GitHub, Windows 10, WordPress, and programming languages like Ruby, PHP, Java. Each of those topics contains excellent tutorials so you can learn efficiently.

ZT Learning logo
ZT Learning logo

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How to Install Kodi on Linux

Installing Kodi on Linux is very simple and takes only few minutes. After doing so, you can start working with it without any problem. We will show you how to install Kodi on four popular Linux distributions which are Ubuntu, Debian, Arch Linux and openSUSE. The installation requires using the terminal and typing several commands.

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How to Install Comic Vine on Kodi

The Comic Vine add-on brings to Kodi the popular Comic Vine website which is one of the best and also the largest in the comics book genre. This website reviews comics from the top comics book publishers like Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Image, IDW, Valiant and more. The add-on includes besides comics reviews also interviews with comics creators and artists, previews and trailers of movies, events related to comics, best stuff in comics and unboxing of superheroes merchandise.

Comic Vine logo
Comic Vine logo

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How to Install Caught on Cam on Kodi

The Caught on Cam add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

The Caught on Cam add-on has a wide selection of real life videos caught on camera. The content is organized in sections including animal attacks, avalanches, courtroom moments, earthquakes, flash floods, icy road, polices chases, person riots, snow storms, stupid drivers, tornadoes and much more.

Caught on Cam logo
Caught on Cam logo

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