How to Install Documented.HD on Kodi

The Documented.HD add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

If you are a fan of documentaries you will love the Documented.HD add-on. This add-on contains a large collection of documentaries arranged in different categories including music, modern society, digital technology, crime, social inequality, oppressive regimes, new additions and more. You can learn a lot while watching those videos!

Documented.HD logo
Documented.HD logo

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How to Install Xtreme Wilderness on Kodi

The Xtreme Wilderness add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

If you like extreme nature the Xtreme Wilderness add-on is the one for you. It has a large collection of videos related to wildlife, animals, survival and adventures and those videos were filmed all around the world. You can watch TV shows and documentaries and learn tips on how to survive in extreme conditions.

Xtreme Wilderness logo
Xtreme Wilderness logo

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How to Install Grub Hub on Kodi

The Grub Hub add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

The Grub Hub add-on has a large collection of content related to food. You can find there the best cooking shows including Paula Deen, Pit Boys, Alton Brown, Rachael Ray, Emeril Lagasse,  Martha Stewart, Bobby Flay, Gordon Ramsay and more. Great way to learn new recipes and cooking tips.

Grub Hub logo
Grub Hub logo

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How to Customize Estuary the Default Kodi Skin

Estuary is the default skin for Kodi since version 17 (Krypton). Kodi has many amazing skins that can replace Estuary (here you can learn how to change your skin), but it remains extremely popular and many users of Kodi keep using it even though they have good alternatives. However, we can customize Estuary so it will look more attractive and less boring.

The Estuary skin
The Estuary skin

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How to Install Sports Hub on Kodi

The Sports Hub add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

The Sports Hub add-on provides an excellent collection of sports streams. This add-on searches Reddit for such streams and presents them in Kodi.  It contains a lot of American sports arranged in categories including baseball, hockey, football and basketball. You can watch live events and also replays of previous ones.

Sports Hub logo
Sports Hub logo

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