If you are a music lover then Music Tube add-on is perfect for you. It is a huge playlist of music videos sorted by genres including alternative, pop, hip-hop, house, reggae, county, metal, electronic, hard rock, indie, dance and more. You will enjoy listening to it!

Here are the instructions on how to install Music Tube:
- Download the following ZIP file
- Launch Kodi
- Click the Settings icon
- Click System settings
- Hover over Add-ons
- Click Unknown source to enable it (if you didn’t do it already)
- Go back to the Kodi home page
- Click Add-ons
- Click the Add-on browser icon
- Click Install from zip file
- Locate the ZIP file that you downloaded and click on it
- Wait till you see an Add-on installed message
That’s all, now you can use the Music Tube add-on. Enjoy it!