This advancedsettings.xml is used for advanced settings and options that do not have GUI controls inside of Kodi. Those settings can be changed by creating an advancedsewttings.xml file in the userdata folder. However, changing these parameters requires manual authoring of the XML, which is error-prone and not always convenient.
The Unlock Kodi Advanced Settings add-on enables editing of advancedsettings.xml, similar to editing settings of any other add-on.

Here are the instructions on how to install Unlock Kodi Advanced Settings:
- Launch Kodi
- Click the settings icon
- Click System
- Hover over Add-ons
- Click Unknown source to enable it (if you haven’t done it already)
- Go back to the settings menu
- Click File manager
- Click Add source
- Click <None>
- Type the URL: and click OK
- Type abratchik as the source name (so you will be able to identify it later) and click OK
- Go back to the Kodi home page
- Click Add-ons
- Click the add-on browser icon
- Click Install from zip file
- Click abratchik (which is the name you gave to the source)
- Click matrix
- Click script.unlock.advancedsettings
- Click
- Wait till you see an add-on installed message.
To run the add-on, you will find it under Program add-ons.
How this add-on works:
The settings are arranged in the add-on by categories, including video, video library, audio, audio library, photo, network, EPG, EDL, PVR, cache and system.
Editing advancedsettings.xml is simple – just run the add-on. If you already have advancedsettings.xml defined in your system, it will be loaded accordingly.
Once you complete editing changes and save them, advancedsettings.xml will be updated (or created if it was not present in your system) in the userddata folder. The old advancedsettings.xml file will be stored with .bak extension in the userdata folder.
If a setting is reverted to its default value, it will not be written to the advancedsettings.xml file. Parent tags without non-default settings will be automatically removed from the file.
Once changing a setting, you need to restart Kodi for the change to take effect.
The add-on has two limitations:
- Any formatting or manual comments in advancedsettings.xml will not be preserved.
- Some settings may be not supported. In this case, it is still possible to set them manually by editing the advancedsettings.xml file. Such settings will not be overwritten by the add-on.
Now, you can edit the advanced settings of Kodi and have full control over it.