DailyMotion.com is a video sharing website attracting millions of users every day. The DailyMotion add-on has all the content found on the website, so you don’t need to switch between Kodi and your browser to watch a video. The content is arranged by categories including what to watch, trending, live, channels and users. You can also search for a specific video.

Here are the instructions on how to install DailyMotion:
- Launch Kodi
- Click Add-ons
- Click the Add-on browser icon
- Click Install from repository
- Click Kodi Add-on repository
- Click Video add-ons
- Click DailyMotion.com
- Click Install
- Click OK to accept the installation of additional add-ons
- Wait till you see an Add-on installed message
Now you can use the DailyMotion add-on. Enjoy it!