The ReleaseBB is an excellent add-on from the Bugatsinho repository for movies and TV shows. This add-on supports Real Debrid as well as providing free links. The movies are arranged by many categories, including recommended movies, foreign movies, 3D, 4K, BDRip, BluRay, DVDRip, WEBRip, extra, old and much more. The TV shows section includes the following categories: TV shows, top and TV packs. ReleaseBB is well maintained by its developer, so you should try it!

Here are the instructions on how to install ReleaseBB:
- Launch Kodi
- Click the Settings icon
- Click System settings
- Hover over Add-ons
- Click Unknown source to enable it (if you didn’t do it already)
- Go back to the Setting menu
- Click File manager
- Click Add source
- Click <None>
- Type the URL and click OK
- Type buga as the source name (so you will be able to identify it later) and click OK
- Go back to the Kodi home page
- Click Add-ons
- Click the Add-on browser icon
- Click Install from zip file
- Click buga (which is the name you gave to the source)
- Click
- Click Install from repository
- Click Bugatsinho repository
- Click Video add-ons
- Click ReleaseBB
- Click Install
- Click OK to accept the installation of additional add-ons
- Wait till you see an Add-on installed message
Here is how to integrate Real Debrid:
You first need to purchase a subscription for Real Debrid here. After doing so, you need to authorize Real Debrid to work with ReleaseBB:
- Go back to Kodi home page
- Hover over add-ons
- Click ReleaseBB
- Click Settings-Tools
- Hover hover Resolver and click Real-Debrid Auth
- A screen will appear with a code
- Go to, enter the code and click Continue
- The authorization is now completed
Now you can use the ReleaseBB add-on. Enjoy it!