The Rock Cleaner add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.
It is extremely important to run maintenance on your Kodi regularly in order to keep it stable without annoying errors, keep it clean from unwanted files and for improving its performance. Over time Kodi will run more slowly if you don’t maintain it properly and this will obviously affect your user experience. The Rock Cleaner add-on is the perfect solution for those issues, you can run it and by doing so maintain your Kodi in a simple way.

Here are the instructions on how to install Rock Cleaner:
- Launch Kodi
- Click the Settings icon
- Click System settings
- Hover over Add-ons
- Click Unknown source to enable it (if you haven’t done it already)
- Go back to the Setting menu
- Click File manager
- Click Add source
- Click <None>
- Type the URL and click OK
- Type rockodi as the source name (so you will be able to identify it later) and click OK
- Go back to the Kodi home page
- Click Add-ons
- Click the Add-on browser icon
- Click Install from zip file
- Click rockodi (which is the name you gave to the source)
- Click
- Click Install from repository
- Click Rocks Repository
- Click Program add-ons
- Click Install
- Wait till you see an Add-on installed message
Now the Rock Cleaner add-on is installed. It is very simple to use and contains the following options on its main menu:
The cache is used to store files so Kodi won’t need to download the same files over and over again. However, over time more and more files are stored in Kodi’s cache. A full cache is one of the most common reasons for slow performance with Kodi. Choosing this option clean the entire cache and improve the performance of your Kodi.
When installing an add-on, Kodi first downloads a ZIP file containing the add-on’s files in a compressed format. Over time those ZIP files may consume a large percentage of your storage. Choosing this option remove all those redundant files. You can always download them again if you ever need them.
Thumbnails are part of every add-on, but an add-on may contain redundant thumbnails. Choosing this option delete all the thumbnails of the add-ons and force downloading the ones which are needed. This way you can save a lot of storage.
Add-on Data
Every add-on contains its own specific data. Some of this data may be irrelevant or even incorrect. Choosing this option clean the data for all the add-ons, so this data can be reinitialized.
Clean All
Does all the cleaning in one operation. It cleans the cache, packages, thumbnails and add-on data.
Allows you to update all the add-ons and repositories by choosing this option.
In the setting you can find the Auto Clean option which allows you to schedule automatic cleaning actions.
Now you can use the Rock Cleaner add-on periodically to maintain your Kodi.