What is Kodi?

Kodi is a popular media center software developed by the XBMC Foundation. It is an open-source software, which means its distribution is free to the public. Kodi is used by millions of users worldwide and is supported by a community of volunteers. With Kodi, you can play media files like videos, music, and podcasts from the internet or locally in an easy and friendly way.

Kodi logo

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How to Create a Custom Kodi Build

Do you want to take your Kodi to the next level? If so, creating your custom build is the right thing for you. Such build includes a skin, add-ons, and specific configuration to get the proper functionality. It won’t contain any redundant stuff, meaning it will work fast without the problems you often get when using third-party builds. This tutorial will guide you through all the steps for creating an awesome build, especially for your needs.

Example of a custom build

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Kodi vs Plex – Which One to Use?

Kodi and Plex are two of the best media center applications. They both serve the same purpose but are different in many ways. They are powerful and robust solutions, but each one has unique features and capabilities. We will review both Kodi and Flex, and provide you all the information you need to know about them, so you can decide which one is better for you.

Kodi versus Plex

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How to Watch Kodi on Roku Device

Roku devices run a custom Linux distribution called Roku OS. There is no Kodi release for Roku OS, which means you can’t install Kodi on Roku devices. However, you can still watch Kodi on Roku by screen mirroring from a separate  device, and enjoy an excellent streaming experience. In this tutorial, we will explain how to do it using Android and Windows devices.

Roku logo

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What’s New in Kodi 22?

Kodi 22 Piers is the latest release of Kodi. This release replaces the previous Kodi 21 Omega. In this article, we will review all the major changes in this release so you will know what to expect and how to get the most out of this exciting version.

This release is still in the early stages of development, and we will update you as the development progresses. Currently, the next milestone is Kodi 22 Alpha 1.

To download the latest development version, go to the Kodi download page, select your platform, and then select Development Builds.

Kodi 22
Kodi 22 splash screen

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What’s New in Kodi 21?

Kodi 21 Omega is the latest release of Kodi. This release replaces the previous Kodi 20 Nexus. In this article, we will review all the major changes in this release so you will know what to expect and how to get the most out of this exciting release.

You can get Kodi 21 from here. Select your platform and download the installation file.

You can find here all the code changes made for Kodi 21.

Kodi 21
Kodi 21 splash screen

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What’s New in Kodi 20?

Kodi 20 Nexus is the latest version of Kodi. It was released on January 15, 2023, replacing the previous Kodi 19 Matrix. In this article, we will review all the major changes in this release, so you will know what to expect and how to get the most out of this new exciting release.

It was a huge effort, with 4,735 commits of code from Kodi 19 to Kodi 20. You can find here all those commits.

Kodi 20 splash screen
Kodi 20 splash screen

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What’s New in Kodi 19?

Kodi 19 Matrix is the latest version of Kodi. It was released on February 20, 2021, and replaces Kodi 18 Leia. In this article, we will review all the major changes in this release, so you will know what to expect and how to get the most out of this new exciting release.

Currently, some of the add-ons still don’t work on Kodi 19, but over time all the popular add-ons will be converted to Python 3 and work on the new version. We have an updated list of the add-ons that are Kodi 19 compatible here.

If you want to return to the previous version of Kodi, do the following: uninstall Kodi 19 and install Kodi 18.9 from here. If you have an Android device, make sure to disable automatic updates.

Kodi 19

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