If you want to watch your favorite movie online without waiting for the movie to load for several minutes and without annoying buffering, cached torrents will work perfectly for you. Cached torrents are used in conjunction with premium services like Real Debrid. Every Kodi add-on that has Real Debrid integration can benefit from this functionality for superb streaming.
What is a torrent?
Torrent is a popular file-sharing network widely used by many users around the world with access to an endless amount of content. This network is based on a decentralized peer-to-peer protocol, so when you download a file, its pieces are retrieved from different computers and then combined into a single file. When using torrents, the users face several threats related to privacy and security, so we recommend reading our torrent protection guide.
What is a cached torrent?
While uncached torrents content is stored locally on different computers, cached torrents content is stored and organized on the Real Debrid servers, and from there it is downloaded when needed, which speeds up the process significantly.
Advantages of cached torrents
Better performance
Because the desired file is already stored on Real Debrid servers, you won’t have to wait for several minutes till the file is downloaded, but you will get it instantly. Also, the streaming quality will be much better as you won’t face any buffering issues.
Protect your privacy
Unlike the regular torrent process, you don’t need to share your connection with other users while downloading a file, as your desired content is found on the Real Debrid servers.
How to use cached torrents on Kodi?
As mentioned before, you need Real Debrid account to get cached torrents links. Follow our tutorial here to set up Real Debrid on Kodi. After completing the setup, you can use an add-on to watch movies and TV shows by choosing one of the Real Debrid cached torrents links.
Most of the add-ons have a configuration related to cached torrent under the Universal Resolvers setting (it may vary a bit between different add-ons). Check that Torrent Support is enabled. Also, you can enable Cached torrents only to get only cached torrents, but in this case, you might miss uncached torrents with the file you are looking for.
Cached torrents are an excellent way to improve your streaming experience, so we highly recommend using them.