Have you ever tried authorizing services like Real Debrid or Trakt for numerous add-ons on Kodi? If you did, you surely know that this is an exhausting task. Fortunately, we have the Account Manager add-on that solves this problem. With this add-on, you can pair multiple services with supported add-ons via a single authorization point and easily manage the data for these services.

Here are the instructions on how to install Account Manager:
- Launch Kodi
- Click the settings icon
- Click System
- Hover over Add-ons
- Click Unknown source to enable it (if you haven’t done it already)
- Go back to the setting menu
- Click File manager
- Click Add source
- Click <None>
- Type the URL: https://zaxxon709.github.io/repo and click OK
- Type zaxxon as the source name (so you will be able to identify it later) and click OK
- Go back to the Kodi home page
- Click Add-ons
- Click the add-on browser icon
- Click Install from zip file
- Click zaxxon (which is the name you gave to the source)
- Click repository.xxx-x.x-Nexus.zip
- Click Install from repository
- Click The7o9Repo
- Click Services
- Click Account Manager
- Click Install
- Click OK to accept the installation of additional add-ons
- Wait till you see an add-on installed message
Here is how to authorize Real Debrid:
- Go to the Kodi home page
- Hover over Add-ons
- Click Account Manager under Program add-ons
- Click Authorize under Real-Debrid
- A screen will appear with a code
- Go to https://real-debrid.com/device, enter the code and click Continue
- The authorization is now completed, and all supported add-ons are now authorized
Here is how to authorize Trakt:
- Go to the Kodi home page
- Hover over Add-ons
- Click Account Manager under Program add-ons
- Click Authorize under Trakt
- A screen will appear with a code
- Go to https://trakt.tv/activate, enter the code and click Continue
- The authorization is now completed, and all supported add-ons are now authorized
During authorization, a backup is created for the installed add-ons, and you can restore this backup if needed. Also, the Account Manager add-on supports other services besides Real Debrid and Trakt, and many popular add-ons like Asgard, Fen and Shadow. Moreover, you have additional managing functionality, including view authorizations, sync accounts and revoke accounts. For the list of supported services, add-ons and more information, visit the Account Manager add-on GitHub page.
That’s all, now you can easily manage your accounts. Enjoy it!