All Subs Flash is a Hebrew subtitles add-on that searches for subtitles in the following sources: Wizdom Subs, ScrewZira, Subscene, OpenSubtitles and Yify Subtitles. This way you have a much better chance to find good subtitles for your videos. This add-on replaces all the other subtitles add-ons as mentioned previously, so there is no need to install them. All Subs Flash is recommended for all the Kodi users in Israel, and it is an excellent solution for anyone who wants to watch videos with Hebrew subtitles.

Here are the instructions on how to install All Subs Flash:
- Download the ZIP file (this is the All Subs keys mapper add-on, and it is needed by the All Subs Flash add-on)
- Download the ZIP file (this is the All Subs Flash add-on)
- Launch Kodi
- Click the Settings icon
- Click System settings
- Hover over Add-ons
- Click Unknown source to enable it (if you didn’t do it already)
- Go back to the Kodi home page
- Click Add-ons
- Click the Add-on browser icon
- Click Install from zip file
- Locate the ZIP file that you downloaded and click on it
- Wait till you see an Add-on installed message
- Click Install from zip file
- Locate the ZIP file that you downloaded and click on it
- Wait till you see an Add-on installed message
Now the add-on is installed, but you still need to change the configuration to use it:
- Go back to the Kodi home page
- Click the Settings icon
- Click Player setting
- Hover over Language
- Click Preferred subtitle language and select Hebrew
- Click Character set and select Hebrew (Windows)
- Click Languages to download subtitles and select Hebrew
- Click Default TV show service and select All Subs Flash
- Click Default movies service and select All Subs Flash
You can also change the configuration of the add-on.
Here is how to get to the configuration of the add-on:
- Go back to the Kodi home page
- Click Add-ons
- Click the Add-on browser icon
- Click My add-ons
- Click All
- Click All Subs Flash
- Click Configure
Here is how enable automatic downloading of the best subtitle:
After changing this configuration, Kodi restart is required.
- Hover over General Settings
- Click Enable automatic subtitle download to enable it
Here is how to configure the languages of the subtitles (besides Hebrew which you don’t need to configure):
- Hover over Languages
- Click אנגלית, ערבית, ספרדית to enable or disable those languages
- Under שפות נוספות you can add additional languages by adding their codes. For example, rus for Russian, fre for French, ger for German, etc. If you add multiple codes, they should be separated by commas. You can find the full list of codes for languages here.
- Click OK
Here is how to change the appearance of the subtitles:
- Hover over View Settings
- Click Enable custom look to enable it
- Now you can change the following properties: background, bold, size, color and background intensity
- Click OK
The add-on will download the best subtitle automatically, so you don’t need to download it manually.
That’s all, now you have Hebrew subtitles for your videos. Enjoy it!