The Comic Vine add-on brings to Kodi the popular Comic Vine website which is one of the best and also the largest in the comics book genre. This website reviews comics from the top comics book publishers like Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Image, IDW, Valiant and more. The add-on includes besides comics reviews also interviews with comics creators and artists, previews and trailers of movies, events related to comics, best stuff in comics and unboxing of superheroes merchandise.

Here are the instructions on how to install Comic Vine:
- Launch Kodi
- Click Add-ons
- Click the Add-on browser icon
- Click Install from repository
- Click Kodi Add-on repository
- Click Video add-ons
- Click Comic Vine
- Click Install
- Wait till you see an Add-on installed message
That’s all, now you can use the Comic Vine add-on. Enjoy it!