How to Install Kodi on Apple TV HD and 4K

Apple TV is a streaming media device used for watching videos, listening to music, playing games and other activities, all based on apps. There are two different Apple TV models currently available. One is the Apple TV HD, which is the older model and supports 1080p and HDMI 1.4. The other is Apple TV 4K, which supports 4K, HDR10, Dolby Vision and HDMI 2.1. Kodi works flawlessly on both of the models, but the installation on each model is different.

Apple TV logo

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7 Things to Know as You Begin Your Streaming Career

The power of content is more or less limitless; you can simply get the glam, fame, and all that you wish for if you get into the online arena of streaming content and creation. Streaming can really add much-needed value to your brand. 

So, you just have to be focused and consistent with every single piece of content that you wish to create. But at the same time, there are a few things that you must prioritize and know off before you jump into the streaming career. Read this article to know more about stacking your streaming career up the ladder!

Let’s check out 7 factors that you need to keep in mind while streaming.

streaming career 1

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How to Install HAL 9000 on Kodi

The HAL 9000 add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

The Hal 9000 add-on is a great all-in-one add-on for Kodi. It has good and free links as well as integration with Real Debrid. The diverse content of the add-on is sorted by categories, including movies, TV shows, documentaries, comedy, music, sports, Fluxus IPTV, Pluto TV and more. This add-on is well-maintained and is one of our favorites.

HAL 9000 logo
HAL 9000 logo

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What’s New in Kodi 20?

Kodi 20 Nexus is the latest version of Kodi. It was released on January 15, 2023, replacing the previous Kodi 19 Matrix. In this article, we will review all the major changes in this release, so you will know what to expect and how to get the most out of this new exciting release.

It was a huge effort, with 4,735 commits of code from Kodi 19 to Kodi 20. You can find here all those commits.

Kodi 20 splash screen
Kodi 20 splash screen

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Things You Will Need if You Want to Start Live Streaming

Are you looking for extra ways to make money? It is something far easier today than it has ever been in the past. These days, everyone has access to the internet. Thanks to easier ways to keep Spectrum internet services running, like Spectrum payment center, people spend more time online. And platforms like YouTube, Twitch, and even Facebook or Instagram depend on user-generated content. It has also morphed into the lucrative live streaming industry.

Live streaming

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Watching Free Movies and TV Shows on Plex

Plex offers a free and reliable streaming service.  This service includes thousands of movies, TV shows, music documentaries, Bollywood musicals, extreme sports films and much more. The content is diverse and intended for the global audience, ranging from Oscar-winning Hollywood movies to independent movies fresh off the festival circuit. With high-quality content and smooth streaming, this service is an excellent choice for you.

Movies and TV shows on Plex
Movies and TV shows on Plex

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