How to Change to Cloudflare DNS in Your Browser

A DNS (Domain Name System) is a network service that translates a domain name to an IP address. This translation is required as the servers that route internet requests only know IP addresses and can’t handle domain names.

The DNS used by your ISP (Internet Service Provider) is slow and insecure. Having control over the DNS, the ISP can track your activities, block certain websites and prevent you from accessing online services.

The Cloudflare DNS, called, is a reliable and private way to browse the internet. This DNS won’t monitor your activities, and you will be able to access websites and services blocked by your ISP. It is also the fastest DNS available, which means you will get a much better browsing experience.

You can easily configure your browser to use the Cloudflare DNS instead of your current DNS. logo

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How to Install Free on Kodi

The Free add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

The Free add-on for Kodi is a fantastic one-click add-on for users who don’t have a subscription service like Real Debrid. As its name implies, this add-on is indeed free with a great collection of high-quality movies and TV shows and much more. Free includes the following categories: latest movies, classic British cinema, kids movies, TV shows, air TV, documentaries, the comedians, really old movies, WWE/AEW/UFC replays and online radio. It is the add-on you must have!

Free logo
Free logo

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How to Install Cloud 9 on Kodi

The Clod 9 add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

Do you want to watch live sports events and channels in HD quality and without any buffering? If so, the Cloud 9 add-on is what you are looking for. This add-on includes the following categories: live footy/soccer, live EPL, UK sports channels, US sports channels, fight sports, racing channels, world channels and WWE/AEW/UFC replays. To sum up, this add-on features the best sports content!

Cloud 9 logo
Cloud 9 logo

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How to Install DejaVu Again on Kodi

The DejaVu add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

If you want a good and reliable add-on to watch movies and TV shows, the DejaVu Again add-on is the right choice. What makes this add-on unique is a one-click section where you can watch many free movies and TV shows in HD quality. DejaVu Again has useful features, including search history, last link played, Real Debrid history and integration with Trakt and Real Debrid.

DejaVu Again logo
DejaVu Again logo

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How to Install Shadow on Kodi

The Shadow add-on is one of the best add-ons for movies and TV shows. This add-on requires using Real Debrid (meaning it doesn’t provide free links) and supports Trakt. Shadow has unique and amazing features like getting Trakt information even if you don’t have an account, search history, last link played, resume watching, Real Debrid history, Real Debrid Torrents and actors category.

Shadow logo
Shadow logo

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How to Install Alvin on Kodi

The Alvin add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

The Alvin add-on is a good source for movies and TV shows. With this add-on, you can easily find a ton of high-quality content by using its search functionality or browsing through the different categories. Alvin has excellent integration with Trakt and Real Debrid, and it also provides many free Torrent streams.

Alvin logo
Alvin logo

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How to Install Revolution on Kodi

The Revolution add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

The Revolution add-on is a good and reliable add-on for movies and TV shows. This add-on has an easy-to-use interface, search functionality, multiple categories for selection and excellent HD links. It works well with Real Debrid but also provides free sources. Overall, Revolution is one of the best add-ons available.

Revolution logo
Revolution logo

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