How to Install Hulk Stream on Kodi

The Hulk Stream add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

Are you looking to watch some good live sports events? If so, the Hulk Stream add-on is perfect for you. It offers a long list of free events for various sports including football, basketball, hockey, rugby, tennis, darts, billiard and more. You can also search for a specific event and watch various sports highlights.

Hulk Stream logo
Hulk Stream logo

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How to Maintain Kodi Using the Rock Cleaner Add-on

The Rock Cleaner add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

It is extremely important to run maintenance on your Kodi regularly in order to keep it stable without annoying errors, keep it clean from unwanted files and for improving its performance. Over time Kodi will run more slowly if you don’t maintain it properly and this will obviously affect your user experience. The Rock Cleaner add-on is the perfect solution for those issues, you can run it and by doing so maintain your Kodi in a simple way.

Rock Cleaner logo
Rock Cleaner logo

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How to Install Chronos on Kodi

The Chronos add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

The Chronos add-on is part of the Skydark repository. It offers a variety of content including reliable IPTV with many live channels, sports such as football, hockey and baseball and a good collection of music concerts. This add-on is an excellent source for free and quality content for you to watch and enjoy.

Chronos logo
Chronos logo

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How to Set Up Kodi Remote on Android and iOS Devices

The most common way to control your Kodi is to use physical remote control. However, there is another way to control it using your mobile phone, which can be an Android or iOS device.
For the second option, you first need to configure Kodi accordingly. Then you need to install and configure an app on your mobile. After doing so, you will be able to control Kodi with an app that is optimized for it. Your mobile device and Kodi must be connected to the same local network for this to work.
Using an app instead of physical remote control has several advantages. The app is easier to work with and you can copy and paste long text like URLs of repositories, URLs of M3U playlists and API keys. Also, it is handy if you have lost your remote.

Kodi remote application
Kodi remote application

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How to Install Uranus on Kodi

The Uranus add-on is a fork of Elysium with nice changes that improve its functionality. You can use it to watch a huge collection of movies and TV shows. It includes categories like new movies, top-rated, in theaters, kids collections, genres, years and persons. You should definitely try this add-on!

Uranus logo
Uranus logo

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How to Install Yoda on Kodi

The Yoda add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

The Yoda add-on is an excellent add-on for movies and TV shows. It is based on the Covenant add-on and is part of the Supremacy repository which is well maintained. You can find movies and TV shows by searching in different categories like genres, year, people and more. Also, you can search for a specific title.

Yoda logo
Yoda logo

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How to Add RSS Ticker to Kodi

An RSS feed is an easy way to follow news and updates. Kodi uses a cool feature called RSS ticker to display those feeds on the bottom of Kodi’s home page. This works with the default skin of Kodi or with every skin that supports RSS feeds. Unfortunately, most of the users don’t know this useful feature even exists. RSS ticker is a great way to follow news and updates without leaving Kodi.

RSS feed icon

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