How to Install DailyMotion on Kodi is a video sharing website attracting millions of users every day. The DailyMotion add-on has all the content found on the website, so you don’t need to switch between Kodi and your browser to watch a video. The content is arranged by categories including what to watch, trending, live, channels and users. You can also search for a specific video.

DailyMotion logo
DailyMotion logo

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How to Install Supremacy on Kodi

The Supremacy add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

The Supremacy add-on has a little bit of everything, all in one place. It contains a lot of quality content arranged in different categories including live sports and replays, TV shows, 3D and 4K movies, special collections of movies, live TV, documentaries, TV and movies for kids, karaoke and much more.

Supremacy logo
Supremacy logo

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How to Install Squad Control on Kodi

The Squad Control add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

The Squad Control add-on is one of the best add-ons for kids with ton of content. This add-on includes cartoons, movies, dubbed anime and subbed anime. It also has a sections for genres, today’s picks, most popular and 50 latest releases. You can also search for a specific title.

Squad Control logo
Squad Control logo

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How to Install Free Live TV on Kodi

The Free Live TV add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

The Free Live TV add-on is an excellent collection of IPTV channels. It features popular TV channels in HD quality and scrapes them from official sources only. Among the channels, you can find CNN, Food TV, Fox Sports, British TV, Paramount movie channel, NFL channel, MTV, Dora TV, VH1, Vevo, CBSN, NBC, MLB, BBC, Euronews, Bloomberg, Court TV, ABC News, PBS Kids, Nick Jr. and many more. You can easily find a channel using the search option of the add-on.

Free Live TV logo
Free Live TV logo

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How to Install FightTube on Kodi

The FightTube add-on is a comprehensive source of content for fight fans. This add-on contains thousands of videos arranged by different categories related to martial arts types, including the following types: UFC, boxing, wrestling, karate, Thai boxing, kickboxing, MMA, kungfu, judo, jujutsu, WWE and more. It is a great way to spend your time watching the fights, the fighters, and everything related to that.

FightTube logo
FightTube logo

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How to Install Planet MMA on Kodi

The Planet MMA add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

If you are a fan of MMA and UFC then the Planet MMA add-on is perfect for you. It gives you access to huge collection of content related to MMA and UFC including events, documentaries, movies, TV shows, YouTube channel, learning fighting techniques, top fights and fighters, live shows and much more.

Planet MMA logo
Planet MMA logo

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