How to Install Kodi on Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is a small and low-cost computer that plugs into a TV or monitor and uses a keyboard and mouse with all the capabilities a desktop computer can offer. To install Kodi on Raspberry Pi you first need to install an operating system. This operating system is a Linux distribution for Kodi. In this tutorial, we will show how to install two operating systems LibreELEC and OSMC. Kodi works great on both of them, so you should try this.

Raspberry Pi logo

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How to Install Netflix on Kodi

Netflix is the most popular streaming service in the world. If you combine it with Kodi, the most popular media center, you will get the perfect mix. You can install the Netflix add-on on Kodi, log in to your Netflix account, and get full access to your favorite series, without the need to install the regular Netflix app. This add-on is lightweight, fast and works well on devices that are not supported by the app.

Netflix logo

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How to Watch Movies on Full Screen with Kodi

The way a movie appears on a screen is based on its aspect ratio. The aspect ratio is the proportion between the width and height of the display. If the aspect ratio of the screen and the movie are not the same, the movie will fill only part of the screen. In this case, you will see black bars on top and bottom and occasionally on the sides of the screen.

Trying to watch movies on full screen may be a frustrating task with many available media players. However, with Kodi, you can watch a movie on full screen by changing its aspect ratio. This way the movie will have the same aspect ratio as your screen. Every movie fan will love this feature.

Full screen

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How to Set Up Personal API Key for YouTube on Kodi

When installing the YouTube add-on on Kodi for the first time, you will get an error message about creating a personal API key. You won’t be able to watch videos on YouTube otherwise. You can solve this problem by getting a personal API key for YouTube from Google and configuring the Kodi add-on to use this key. Having a personal key means you have your quota for YouTube without any relation to other users who use this add-on.

YouTube logo

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How to Paste Text to Kodi on Android

Many times you need to enter text to Kodi like URLs for sources or API keys for various services. Typing this long text is an exhausting task and it is also prone to errors, one wrong character and nothing works. This is the reason we use copy and paste, but it isn’t easy to do it on Kodi. In the case of Windows, we can use Ctrl + v and Ctrl + c that work also for Kodi, but for Android, this won’t work. Moreover, the regular way to copy and paste on Android won’t work as Kodi uses its proprietary keyboard. However, there is a solution also for Android by using the remote app for Kodi, and this will make your life much easier.

Paste Kodi Android
The sending text to Kodi screen

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How to Control Your Fire TV with Alexa

Alexa, which is Amazon digital assistant, can help you play movies, TV shows and live TV from supported apps like Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Netflix, ABC, NBC, HBO Now, MTV, Discovery GO, Food Network, ESPN and more using your Fire TV or Fire TV Stick. You can search for a specific title and have full control over the playback. By using voice commands Alexa can replace your remote with all its functionality. For this, a compatible device such as Amazon Echo will do the job perfectly.

Amazon Echo
Amazon Echo

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How to Install Rising Tides on Kodi

Are you looking for the hottest sports events? If you are, the Rising Tides add-on will be perfect for you. It has live football games, live PPV events and extra live content. You can also watch football highlights and sports channels including Fox Sports, Digi Sport, Arena Sport, beIN Sports, NBA TV, Eurosports, NFL Now, NHL Network, MLB Network, Real Madrid TV, Olympic Channel and many more. The live events are updated daily, so you will have fresh content whenever you like.

Rising Tides Kodi
Rising Tides Kodi

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How to Install Super Favourites on Kodi

The Kodi favourites is a useful feature for accessing your frequently used items. The Super Favourites add-on provides you even a better and more powerful way to manage those items. There are major advantages for Super Favourites over the regular favourites, which will significantly improve your Kodi experience. We provide here the latest version of the add-on with many new features and bugs fixes.

Super Favourites logo
Super Favourites logo

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