How to Install 500px on Kodi

The 500px add-on is a great source for quality pictures. The pictures are arranged in various categories including editors, popular, highest rated, upcoming, fresh and more. You can watch a huge collection of pictures related to animals, celebrities, fashion, food, landscapes, people, sport, fine art, nature and much more.

500px logo
500px logo

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How to Install cCloud TV on Kodi

The cCloud TV add-on is an amazing live TV add-on. It has a collection of thousands of TV channels from USA and UK networks along with international channels. Those channels are arranged according to categories including all channels, English, international, top 10, sports, news, documentary, entertainment, family, movies, music, lifestyle, radio and much more.

cCloud TV logo
cCloud TV logo

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How to Install Maverick TV on Kodi

The Maverick TV add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

The Maverick TV add-on is an all-around add-on with a lot of quality content. This content is arranged in different categories including movies, TV shows, live sports, world IPTV, documentaries, music TV and concerts, radio stations, kids TV, stand-up comedy and even live web cameras.

Maverick TV logo
Maverick TV logo

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How to Use Favourites in Kodi

Once you have many add-ons installed on your device you encounter a small but irritating issue, you have a problem locating them. It isn’t easy to find a specific add-on in such a situation because the display has limited space and some of the add-ons are not shown. You need to scroll until you find it.

This is where the favourites option, located in the menu of the homepage, can help you.

The menu in the homepage with the favorite option

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How to Install Fantastic Beasts on Kodi

The Fantastic Beasts add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

TheĀ Fantastic Beasts add-on is a great resource for animals lovers. It contains movies, TV shows, documentaries and various videos related to animals and wildlife. You can watch animals from different continents, animals of the oceans, mystical beasts and prehistoric monsters.

Fantastic Beasts logo
Fantastic Beasts logo

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How to Install Fitness Zone on Kodi

The Fitness Zone add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

TheĀ Fitness Zone is great source of videos for people who want to be in shape. It includes every aspect of fitness including workout plans, training, exercises, stretching, yoga, body building and toning up. This add-on is an excellent way to stay healthy and fit.

Fitness Zone logo
Fitness Zone logo

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