The Burekas repository contains improved Hebrew subtitles add-ons. Those add-ons solve many annoying problems in the existing Hebrew subtitles add-ons. The recommended add-on from the repository is All Subs Plus, which integrates all the sources of Hebrew subtitles and has many cool features like loading the best subtitle automatically. With those add-ons, every Israeli or Hebrew speaker can now watch movies or TV shows on Kodi with the best subtitles in the easiest way possible.

Here are the instructions on how to install Hebrew subtitles:
- Launch Kodi
- Click the settings icon
- Click System
- Hover over Add-ons
- Click Unknown source to enable it (if you haven’t done it already)
- Go back to the settings menu
- Click File manager
- Click Add source
- Click <None>
- Type the URL: and click OK
- Type burekas as the source name (so you will be able to identify it later) and click OK
- Go back to the Kodi home page
- Click Add-ons
- Click the add-on browser icon
- Click Install from zip file
- Click burekas (which is the name you gave to the source)
- Click
- Click Install from repository
- Click Burekas Repo
- Click Services for All Subs Plus, Subtitles for Ktuvit Plus, Wizdom Plus, OpenSubtitles Plus and Menu Context for Subtitles Dialog – Contextmenu
- Click on the add-on you want to install
- Click Install
- Wait till you see an add-on installed message
Improvements over the original add-ons:
- Automatic loading of the best subtitle
- Manual search for specific subtitle
- The search for a subtitle can be done whether a video is played or not
- The result of the search is more accurate
- If you have only an English subtitle file, transition to Hebrew can be done with Google Translate (works only for All Subs Plus, and you will need to activate it in the configuration of the add-on)
- Many bug fixes
Here are the add-ons in the repository:
The add-ons in the repository have the same name as the original add-ons with the word Plus at the end, to differentiate them from the original add-ons.
- All Subs Plus add-on
This add-on is an improvement over the existing All Subs Flash add-on. After installing the add-on, you will need to configure it. Follow the configuration instructions here to do so (All Subs Plus and All Subs Flash have the same configuration).
- Ktuvit Plus add-on
This add-on is an improvement over the existing add-on. After installing the add-on, you will need to configure it. Follow the configuration instructions here to do so (All Ktuvit Plus and Ktuvit have the same configuration).
- Wizdom Plus add-on
This add-on is an improvement over the existing Wizdom Subs add-on. After installing the add-on, you will need to configure it. Follow the configuration instructions here to do so (Wizdom Plus and Wizdom have the same configuration).
- OpenSubtitles Plus add-on
This add-on is an improvement over the existing OpenSubtitles add-on. After installing the add-on, you will need to configure it. Follow the configuration instructions here to do so (OpenSubtitles Plus and OpenSubtitles have the same configuration).
- Subtitles Dialog – Contextmenu add-on
This add-on adds an option to the context menu of Kodi (when no video is played). When clicking on this option, a window for searching for subtitles appears. This is useful if you want to see the available subtitles even before playing the video. Here is how to do it:
- Click the menu button
- Click Check for subtitles…
How to search for a specific subtitle manually:
In most cases, the add-on should find the appropriate subtitles automatically. If it doesn’t work, you can still search for them manually. Here is how to do it:
For All Subs Plus do the following:
- Play the movie or TV show, and click the menu button
- In the bottom right corner of the screen, click the Subtitles icon
- Click Download subtitle…
- Hover over All Subs Plus and click Manual search string
- Enter the movie or TV show name and click OK
- Choose movie or TV Show
- For movie, enter the year the movie was released and click Done
- For TV show, enter the season number and click Done, then enter episode number and click Done
For the other add-ons do the following:
- Play the movie or TV show, and click the menu button
- In the bottom right corner of the screen, click the Subtitles icon
- Click Download subtitle…
- Hover over the add-on name and click Manual search string
- For movie, enter the search string in the following format:
<Movie Name> <Year>
For example, titanic 1997
- For TV shows, enter the search string in the following format:
<TV show name> S<Season number>E<Episode number>
If the season number or episode number has only one digit, add a leading zero.
For example, big bang S05E14
That’s all, now you have Hebrew subtitles for your videos. Enjoy it!