How to Install a4kSubtitles on Kodi

a4kSubtitles is a multi-source subtitles add-on supporting the following sources: OpenSubtitles, Subscene, Podnadpisi, BSPlayer and Addic7ed. It pulls subtitles from all those sources, which makes it the best service for subtitles. You don’t need to enter the username and password for OpenSubtitles to pull subtitles from this source. Moreover, a4kSubtitles can download the best subtitle for a movie or a TV show automatically, which is a big advantage for every Kodi user.

a4kSubtitles logo
a4kSubtitles logo

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How to Install APKTime on Android Device

APKTime is a tool that allows you to install the best APKs that you can’t find on app stores like Google Play Store and Amazon Appstore. Instead of looking for the APK on the internet and then download it, you have all the popular APKs in one place. APKTime can be installed on Android, Android TV and Firestick devices. For devices like Firestick, where you can’t install Google Play Store, APKTime is an excellent source for apps.

APKTime logo
APKTime logo

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How to Install Aptoide TV on Android Device

Aptoide TV is an alternative to Google Play Store or other app stores like Amazon Appstore. This app store offers a rich user experience, not only on mobile devices but also on large televisions, as the apps are optimized for larger screen devices. Aptoide TV can be installed on Android, Android TV and Firestick devices. For devices like Firestick, where you can’t install Google Play Store, Aptoide TV is the best option for an app store. It has an immense collection of apps, many of them not found on other stores, and a simple interface where you can easily find and install apps.

Aptoide TV logo
Aptoide TV logo

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How to Create a Custom Kodi Build

Do you want to take your Kodi to the next level? If so, creating your custom build is the right thing for you. Such build includes a skin, add-ons, and specific configuration to get the proper functionality. It won’t contain any redundant stuff, meaning it will work fast without the problems you often get when using third-party builds. This tutorial will guide you through all the steps for creating an awesome build, especially for your needs.

Example of a custom build

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How to Watch Kodi on Roku Device

Roku devices run a custom Linux distribution called Roku OS. There is no Kodi release for Roku OS, which means you can’t install Kodi on Roku devices. However, you can still watch Kodi on Roku by screen mirroring from a separate  device, and enjoy an excellent streaming experience. In this tutorial, we will explain how to do it using Android and Windows devices.

Roku logo

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How to Install Morpheus on Kodi

The Morpheus add-on is no longer available. See our list of the best Kodi add-ons for some alternatives.

Morpheus is an extensive add-on with different categories, including movies, TV shows, anime, documentary and stand-up comedy. This add-on requires a Real Debrid account, but you also have a free one-click movies section. With an excellent interface and tons of high-quality links, Morpheus is one of our favorite add-ons.

Morpheus logo
Morpheus logo

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How to Install Kaito on Kodi

Kaito is a well-maintained anime add-on with high-quality content. This add-on has unique and useful features like play the next episode, skip intro, view your anime lists, automatic episode tracking and airing anime calendar. Kaito provides good free links, but you can also integrate Real Debrid to get more. With many genres and tags, this is one of the best amine sources you can find.

Kaito logo
Kaito logo

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